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Theatrical Trailer Red-Band
Lucky Bastard Deluxe Edition
2m 8s
This is the red-band trailer created for Lucky Bastard's February 2014 theatrical release by Wheelhouse Creative. MPAA rules restrict theatrical advertising for an NC-17 movie to before an R-rated or another NC-17-rated film—making it inherently "red band"—so this was the trailer used in theaters.
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Teaser Trailer
Wheelhouse Creative created a 30-second "cut down" of their theatrical trailer for Internet use leading up to the film's theatrical premiere on February 14, 2014.
TV Commercial
Wheelhouse Creative adapted their 30-second "teaser trailer" into a television commercial airing in support of the May 2014 video-on-demand release.
Lucky Bastard Filmmakers' Commentary
This is a version of the entire Lucky Bastard film featuring audio commentary by filmmakers Robert Nathan and Lukas Kendall.