Lucky Bastard Extras Only

Lucky Bastard Extras Only

If you bought the theatrical film and now want to get the extras only—the library of trailers and filmmaker commentary—here's how.

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Lucky Bastard Extras Only
  • VOD Trailer

    Wheelhouse Creative shortened and updated their theatrical trailer for Lucky Bastard's video-on-demand release by Gravitas Ventures in May 2014.

  • Promotional Reel (2013)

    Filmmakers Robert Nathan and Lukas Kendall discuss some of the social issues raised by Lucky Bastard in this promotional reel cut by film editor Tony Randel.

  • Advance Trailer (2013)

    This was the first trailer for Lucky Bastard, created in 2013 by our film editor, Tony Randel, and featuring special footage newly filmed with Betsy Rue as Ashley Saint.

  • Theatrical Trailer Green-Band

    This is the green-band trailer created for Lucky Bastard's February 2014 theatrical release by Wheelhouse Creative. This trailer was solely used on the Internet.

  • Theatrical Trailer Red-Band

    This is the red-band trailer created for Lucky Bastard's February 2014 theatrical release by Wheelhouse Creative. MPAA rules restrict theatrical advertising for an NC-17 movie to before an R-rated or another NC-17-rated film—making it inherently "red band"—so this was the trailer used in theaters.

  • Teaser Trailer

    Wheelhouse Creative created a 30-second "cut down" of their theatrical trailer for Internet use leading up to the film's theatrical premiere on February 14, 2014.

  • TV Commercial

    Wheelhouse Creative adapted their 30-second "teaser trailer" into a television commercial airing in support of the May 2014 video-on-demand release.

  • Lucky Bastard Filmmakers' Commentary

    This is a version of the entire Lucky Bastard film featuring audio commentary by filmmakers Robert Nathan and Lukas Kendall.